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LIVE REPLAY on the Coronavirus: Tips for Health, Well-being, and to Release Fear

Hey Tribe!

Did you get a chance to watch the live video last night?

I am so impressed at how many of you showed up,

your comments, vibe, and collective energy was amazing.

Go team!


The funniest thing happened here in Brazil

after I ended the live video...

All of the sudden, I heard all of this

clapping and cheering outside. 

Everyone was clapping and cheering

from their windows for

the healthcare professionals.

Talk about positive vibes!


Is it a coincidence that this happened right

after the high-vibe live video and meditation?!


I love the amazing signs and surprises

that the universe provides when you tune-in.


I have uploaded a replay to Youtube for you to watch.

If you have already watched it,

I recommend watching it again to do the meditation...

Heck, you could do the meditation daily if that helps you.


Here's the video: Click here.



We will do an 8 day online immersion

for the online course starting Monday!

We will do each week's material each day! 

Ie. Week 1 material on Day 1...


If you haven't already registered for the online course, 

no need to fret, 

I have an option for you too!

Keep reading...


For this 8 day immersion,

I am offering a FREE GIFT of going live

every day in our secret Facebook group

to answer any questions and offer extra insights!

(You have to register for the online course to join the group.)


If you have NOT registered yet, 

I am re-opening registration

for the online course for those

who would like to benefit from

the LIVE VIDEO BONUS this week!


It's not something I usually offer,

so I want to make sure that everyone

has the opportunity to join the Align to Abundance tribe

and benefit from the live videos

to ask me questions and receive added teachings!



The registration will be open ONLY for this weekend until Sunday at midnight EST. 

Click here to register!


We will begin our 8 day immersion on Monday!

The daily live videos will be held at this time every day: 

(Here are some different time zones)

2pm PST

5pm EST

8am AEST (Sydney)

10pm Paris

6pm Brazi

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