Online Energetic Alignment - Session 2
Online Energetic Alignment - Session 2
"Just one online session helped me feel more grounded in my body than years of trauma therapy."
"This worked fast! Within 1 hour after the alignment, I had the breakthrough of clarity that I was looking for!"
"I felt so much energy which I have never felt before."
"I'm deeply confident and happy."
WHEN: December 14 - Saturday
Europe - 5AM France/Spain, 4AM UK/Portugal
Australia - 3PM NSW, 2PM QLD, 12PM Perth
Dubai - 8AM
India - 9:30AM
USA - *FRIDAY DEC 13* - 8pm PST, 9pm MST, 10pm CST, 11pm EST, 6pm HST
This is a live, interactive experience that lasts 2.5 hours. There are NO replays. Allow for an extra 20 minutes, as sometimes we go over time due to integration.
After you register, you will receive an email with the Zoom link & information on how to prepare and the zoom link. CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER IF YOU DON'T SEE THE EMAIL.
*If you are registering for another person, please register separately under their name.
Note that this session is non-refundable, and upon purchase, you are agreeing to our policies stated here.